- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Thursday 2 April 2015

Great News!

The story's been picked up by local CBC. I'll also be interviewed on your local CBC station on Tuesday morning at 7:20AM. This one you can just tune into on the radio, 98.7fm  I think. The show is called Ontario Morning. The kids deserve all the thanks for this, their energy and enthusiasm is what makes this all possible. Merci, merci to them.


CBC Radio has heard about our little letter writing project. They were pretty impressed and wanted to share our story.

I'm being interviewed on CBC Radio Toronto on Monday morning to talk about our class, they kinds of things we do, and to talk about why we chose to write these letters. I'm going to talk about how the kids care deeply about the world around them, they want good role models, and they want to see that the world is a good place. I'm going to talk about the importance of kindness, of appreciating those who deserve it and of helping those in need, for it's own sake, not for fame or any other reason.

All these thoughts are coming from the kids. They wrote some beautiful letters, and I was really impressed.

Four students have recorded themselves reading their letters and we sent the audio off to CBC. Listen for them Monday morning.

We're all pretty excited here in grade 6/7.

How to listen:

Radio Live:
Monday morning at 7:40AM on the Toronto CBC Radio morning show Metro Morning 99.1FM
This is a Toronto broadcast, it might be choppy.
This will NOT be on the local CBC radio stations 98.7 and 89.7 from Barrie, Owen Sound, Midland.

Online Live

Online afterwards: