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Ferguson, Missouri: A Troubled City

Ferguson, Missouri: A Troubled City

In August, 2014, a young man in the town of Ferguson, in the United States, was shot and killed.
The young man was named Michael Brown, he was 18 years old, and African American. The shooter was a police officer, his name was Darren Wilson.

Earlier that night Brown was suspected of stealing cigarettes from a convenience store. The police were out looking for him. Brown was spotted walking on the street by Officer Wilson. Wilson approached Brown's car, and there was a struggle. Wilson fired his gun, killing Brown. The entire encounter between Brown and Wilson was less than 90 seconds.

Many witnesses saw the event, and have given conflicting stories. Some say that Brown was trying to get away, with others saying that Brown was reaching for something in his pocket.
After he was killed, it was found that Michael Brown was not carrying a weapon.

Many people held a peaceful candlelight protest to oppose what happened to Brown, but the protests became reckless and out of control. There was a lot of anger. Over many nights, there were protests and riots in Ferguson after the shooting. Many shop windows were smashed, storefronts destroyed. Police had to use tear gas to separate the crowd and over 200 people were arrested.

There was a lot of media coverage in the United States. People have been talking about how Brown being killed relates to racism in the United States. They have pointed out that most of the police in Ferguson are white, while most of the people who live in Ferguson are African-American.  The FBI opened an investigation into the shooting and President Obama made a speech saying:

I know the events of the past few days have prompted strong passions, but as details unfold, I urge everyone in Ferguson, Missouri, and across the country, to remember this young man through reflection and understanding.  We should comfort each other and talk with one another in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds. 

A Grand Jury was called on to decide if Wilson should be charged with a crime. They would review all the evidence, listen to all the witnesses and make a decision. Possible charges could be first-degree murder, second-degree murder, or a lesser charge. Many police were called into the streets of Ferguson before the decision was made, in order to be ready in case there would be any violence.

On November 24, 2014, the Grand Jury reached a decision and stated that Officer Wilson would not be charged.

Once again, on the night of November 24, there was great anger in Ferguson. There were riots , violence, and police once again had to use tear gas.