- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Art Project

- Choose an artist.
- Choose one of their works for us to print out.
- Create your OWN work of art either duplicating a painting of your artist, or creating a new painting in the style of your artist. You may use paint, pastel, pencil crayon, or a medium of your choosing.
- Make a small poster presentation of your artist (one bristol board is good).
On the bristol board, include:
--- The artists name in large letters.
--- The country they worked in
--- The years they were alive
--- The style or styles of art they worked in.
--- One paragraph bio about the artist.
--- Maybe a famous quote or two of theirs, if possible.

We will display the presentations in the library.
You will stand beside your presentation.
Classes will come and your our gallery.
You will PRETEND to be the artist, you will talk and answer questions from me and other students about your life and work.
You must know:
- How to pronounce your name
- Where you were born
- When you were born
- How many siblings you had
- A bit about your parents and childhood
- When you started painting
- What style you paint in
- What you paint
- Why you paint
- What you enjoy painting
- How you see the world
- How your views of the world come through in your art
- What you are trying to say with your art
- What some of your most famous paintings are
- How much your paintings typically sell for
- How you died
- Other interesting and notable facts