- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

A Year!

Short Answers

1. Why is a day as long as it is?

2. Why is a year as long as it is?

3. How many minutes in an hour?

4. How many minutes in a day?

5. How many days in a year?

6. How many minutes in a year?

Creativity Time. Short Answers, they don't need to be numbers (but they can)

7. How many meals in a year?

8. How many smiles in a year?

9. How many tears in a year?

10. How many lessons learned in a year?

Writing Time!
Complete this sentence. Be creative!

11. In a year from now I will ____________________________________

12. In a year from now I will ____________________________________

13. In a year from now I hope to _________________________________

14. In a year from now I hope to _________________________________

15. A year is long enough for anyone to ___________________________

16. A year is too short ________________________________________

Metaphor time

17. A year is like  ________________________ because _____________

18. A year is _______________________________________________________

19. A year in my life is ________________________________________________