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Alberta Election

NDP wins majority government in Alberta, ending Conservative dynasty
May 5, 2015 | ALLAN MAKI

After 44 years  in governement, the Conservative party has been voted out. They won 13 straight elections, but the lost last night - to a party that has never won in Alberta.

Albertans have chosen a new political path with the stunning election of a New Democratic government, ending a Conservative dynasty in power for more than four decades.

The NDP, leading in the polls from start to finish, becomes only the third party to govern the province since 1935. Heading a new majority government, Leader Rachel Notley, who won her seat in Edmonton, now has a mandate to take the province in a new direction but will also inherit tough economic challenges.

"I think we might have made a little bit of history tonight," Ms. Notley said in her victory speech. "I believe that change has finally come to Alberta."

After speaking to a cheering room of supporters in Edmonton, the Notley said her first priority would be to meet with her party over the next few days. With the NDP running on a platform of increasing funding for the province's schools and hospitals, the new government will need to move fast to fulfill some promises. "We are committed to making sure those 12,000 kids have teachers in September," Ms. Notley said, referring to the number of new students expected to enter Alberta's school system next academic year. The old Conservative budget tabled in March had no new money for teachers.
Conservative  Leader and former premier Jim Prentice immediately announced his resignation.

The NDP won 53 seats -- nine more than needed for a majority in the 87-seat legislature.

The Wildrose Party was poised to become the Official Opposition with about 21 seats while the Conservatives were crushed -- winning or leading in only 11 seats.

Mr. Prentice called the election on April 7, hoping an early vote would play in his favour. But the Con's fell all the way to third place behind Wildrose Party and the NDP.

Mr. Prentice arrived late at the Conservative Calgary headquarters and thanked his supporters before resigning as party leader and giving up his Calgary seat, which he had just won.

In his speech to party faithful, Mr. Prentice said he accepted responsibility for Tuesday night's outcome.

"Alberta needed to make choices and they have now done so. I am satisfied the voters are always right in a democracy."

Mr. Prentice campaigned primarily on his budget, which centred on two new tax cuts for Albertans, no increase in corporate taxes and the cutting of 2,016 jobs in the public service.
Ms. Notley countered with a promise to raise the corporate tax rate to 12 per cent from 10 per cent, increase taxes on the highest-income Albertans and review the royalties that oil companies pay to the province.

Mr. Prentice had also planned to reduce the 21-per-cent tax credit for charitable donations down to 12.75 per cent. Charitable tax credits for donations made to a political party went untouched. Mr. Prentice then decided to leave the tax credit unchanged after a swift backlash.

Some long-time CP supporters were so angry at the perception that the leader had lost touch with Albertans that they switched loyalties and put NDP signs on their front lawns.

The CPs, which came to power in 1971, were hoping to keep a stranglehold on leadership with a 13th consecutive majority government.

"We've seen a complete change in Alberta," Wildrose Leader Brian Jean said later. "And Wildrose did well."

Just not as well as teh NDP.