- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Tuesday 7 April 2015


Today's Art

Ask your parents this question:
What is capitalism?
Get and answer less than two sentences long.

Math Test
Reading/Discussion on Capitalism and Democracy
Grade 7 science projects assigned today.

(This is optional for grade 6)

Due Monday May 11, 2015

  • In a container pour 3 cups of water, one two tablespoons of rinsed sand, one tablespoon of ground black pepper, and 3 tablespoons of cooking oil. Construct a filtration system that will remove the pepper, oil, and sand.

  • In a container, mix three cups of water and three tablespoons of salt. Construct a distilation or evaporation system that will seperate the water from the salt.

  • Build a 3d model of an ecosystem to demonstrate producers, consumers, and decomposers at work. Make sure your ecosystem is accurate (ie. no moose in the desert). This project should include written paragraphs explaining the model.

  • Conduct an experiment to examine insulation and heat loss. Test 5 seperate materials (ex, tinfoil, paper, wool, cotton, etc...) to see how well each one insulates (ie. prevents heat loss). This experiment you will need to design yourself.

I was interviewed by CBC Toronto on Monday and CBC Ontario today about my ideas for keeping kids interested and engaged in class, about how to make learning real. Tomorrow I'll be talking about the same thing with CBC Halifax. This writing assignment really seems to have struck a chord with some people, we all here are very pleased with the response it had all generated. All the letters were mailed already, but I have copies, and they parents will be able to read them. They are very touching.