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What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Tuesday 25 November 2014


Food Drive Continues Tomorrow

Homework: Math (see below)

Today in 6/7

Today we continued working with Scratch. Students created their own logins, which means they are able to save their projects and work from home.

We read an article about current events in Ferguson, Missouri, USA. It is posted to the right. Much interesting and thoughtful discussion followed.

We also continued working on cursive writing, and read chapter 19 of Tuck Everlasting (posted to the right).

We painted on canvas today, creating images resembling birch trees in a forest. A little like this.

We continued with fitness class in gym, which we do every Tuesday.

We watched a portion of the PBS documentary on the War of 1812. The film can be seen here.

We continued looking at the angles of parallelograms, trapezoids, and triangles.
For homework, you can work on the following:

Figure out angles a, b, c, d (Give it a shot, there are hints below)


Remember, the inside angles of a pentagon add up to 540 degrees.
So, you can figure out one angle by dividing 540 by 5.

Now, let's start by solving angle a.
Angle a is one inside angle of a pentagon, cut in half (so divide by two).

Angle b is supplementary to angle x. Angle x is equal to angle a. (Look up the word supplementary if you can't remember what it means)

Angle c is also supplementary, to angle v (which is one of the inside angles of a pentagon).

Angle d is a bit trickier. You need to use angle a to figure out angles a, y, and z first. Once you do that, you can figure out w. Angle w is supplementary to d.

Extra hint: Angle y is 90 degrees.