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What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Wednesday 26 November 2014


Great News

Our class submitted logo designs to to the Markdale Recreation Logo design competition. Many students in our class designed some excellent logos using Photoshop. The selection committed was thrilled with all the high quality entries from the class. They chose a winner, congrats to Sara! Her logo is below. Keep an eye out for Sara's work, you'll see it around town.

The class has won a pizza party as a result of the good work they did, and Sara will receive recognition and some prizes. I'm very proud of the class, they're great with graphic design, they take to it with enthusiasm, and they produce some great work. Well done all!

Math Homework
1. A ceiling fan rotates 75 degrees and then stops. How many
more degrees does it need to rotate in order to make a full

2. At ice-skating lessons Sarah attempts to do a 360 degree spin
but only manages a quarter-turn on her first attempt. How
many degrees short of her goal was Sarah’s first attempt? 

3. A Ferris wheel makes five full rotations and then stops to let
more riders on. How many degrees, in total, did the Ferris
wheel rotate before stopping? 

4. I turn the dial on the stove 75 degrees from the Start position
to the pre-heat setting. If I continue to turn the dial in a
clockwise motion how many degrees further will I need to
rotate it to return to the Start position? 

5. The second hand on a clock makes one revolution per minute.
How many degrees, in total, does the seconds hand turn in
5 minutes? 

6. A water sprinkler covers 90 degrees of a backyard lawn. How
many times will the sprinkler need to be moved in order to
cover the full 360 degrees of lawn? 

7. Tom is editing a photograph on his laptop. He rotates the
photograph 120 degrees clockwise. He then rotates it another
160 degrees clockwise. If he continues turning the photo in a
clockwise movement how many more degrees will Tom need to
turn it to have made a complete 360 degree turn? 

8. The blades on a helicopter propeller turn and then pause. After 25 seconds the propeller blades begin moving again and rotate another 80 degrees to complete a full 360 degrees. How many degrees did the blades turn before they paused?