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What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Monday 24 November 2014


A full day today,

- Play around with Scratch on the computer if you have access to the web.
- Practice your cursive writing (see below). Copy each sentence three times.
- Play around with Google Earth Flight Simulator if you have Google Earth installed on your computer.

For parents who might be interested, today was a typical day in our class.
Below is a summary of what we worked on.


We read chapter 18 of Tuck Everlasting.
It's posted to the right.


We looked at several print ads, and discussed them.
We answered the questions:
1) What product is the ad selling?
2) What is the exaggerated message the ad is saying about the product
(Ex. These chips will make your breath so hot that you'll be able to power a hot air balloon.)
3) What is the implied message the ad is saying about the product.
(Ex.These chips are hot, you'll really like them)

The ads are posted below.

We began our cursive writing practice.

These three sentences can be written out in cursive three times each.

A quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize six gunboats.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Crazy Fredericka bought many very exquisite opal jewels.

In computer lab, we worked on Scratch, starting a small project today to create our own simple video games.

Here is a screenshot of the code we wrote today. It creates a fun little game. The object of the game is to make the cat meow. Ask your child to explain the code below, they should be able to understand most of it.



W looked at these two shapes, and we figured out which interior angles are the same, and which angles are supplementary.



We studied these concepts, and then we played around with Google Earth Flight Siumulator

There are four forces acting on a plane:  Thrust   Lift   Drag   Gravity

Thrust comes from the engines.
Lift comes from the wings  - From the Bernoulli effect
Drag and Gravity come from nature.

For the plane to fly, thrust and lift need to be greater than drag and gravity.

There are three movements a plane can do:   Yaw  Roll  Pitch
The rudder controls yaw.
The ailerons control roll.
The elevators control pitch.

Pitch makes the airplane go up and down.

Yaw and roll make the airplane turn.

In History we continued our discussion on the War of 1812, talking about the Burning of Niagara on the Lake, the sinking of HMS Nancy, the Battle of Lundy's Lanes, and (much to my excitement as a history nerd!) the burning of Washington and the White House.
