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What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Tuesday 31 March 2015


Today we read an article about global manufacturing. It's posted to the right. We talked about large scale and small scale manufacturing. When things are mass produced, they become cheaper. We talked about the difference between an artisal wooden salad bowl from a farmer's market and a plastic salad bowl from Wal-Mart.

We learned about Foxconn, a Taiwanese company that manufactures many of the devices we use (iPhone, Xbox, Blackberry, etc...)

Tomorrow we're going to talk about the positives and negatives of large scale global manufacturing. There are many benefits (cheaper goods, jobs in developing countries) and many drawbacks (labour conditions, loss of jobs in developed countries). Feel free to discuss some of this with your child tonight.

We also watched the stunning 7 minute opening scene to the 2007 documentary Manufactured Landscapes. Ask your child about it. Full Video Here.

Today was a day for experiments. We tested the saturation points of warm water and cold water. We tested both sugar and salt, until no more could be dissolved.  Ask your child about it.

The questions we worked on after the experiment were:

1. What has a higher concentration, the warm sugar water or the cold sugar water?
2. What is more diluted, the warm sugar water or the cold sugar water?
3. What has a higher concentration, the warm sugar water or the warm salt water?
4. What can you mix more solute into, warm water or cold water?
5. What has a higher saturation point, warm water or cold water?
6. What is more saturated with sugar, the warm sugar water or the cold sugar water?
7. What is more soluble in water? salt or sugar?

8. Use the particle theory to explain why more sugar can disolve into warm water than cold water.


----MATH TEST----------------
Work will be posted soon for those going away to curling. Check back tomorrow for study questions to help prepare for Tuesday's test.