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What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Wednesday 11 March 2015


Math Homework

Graph these two sets of data on a scatter plot. 
Use dots to represent the water use.
Use stars to represent the wealth.

Water Use. Per person. Per year. In Cubic meters.

Afghanistan 1055
Australia 1149
Brazil 305
Cambodia 152
Canada 1468
China 414
Cuba 678
Egypt 937
Ethiopia 80
Germany 392
India 644
Jamaica 224
Japan 708
United Kingdom 212
United States of America 1550

Wealth per person. In dollars.Times 100.

United States    530
Australia           451
Germany           434
Canada              432
Japan                 366
U.K.                   362
Afghanistan       19
Brazil                 149
China                  118
Cuba                    187        
Cambodia          30
Egypt                   108
Ethiopia              14
India                    54
Jamaica                84