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What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Tuesday 10 March 2015


If you have not finished the map yet, the one of Canada and the US, make sure it is done.

Begin reading The Adventrures of the Blue Carbuncle by Arthur Conan Doyle. Arthur Conan Doyle created the character Sherlock Holmes. This is a Sherlock Holmes story.
Have it read by the end of March break.

Geography today:
Here are the questions, we'll take them up tomorrow. If you were behind today, you might want to so some of this tonight:

Pages 146, 150, and also the inside back cover

1. What countries border The Gulf?
2. What countries border Israel?
3. What countries border Iraq?
4. What is a major city in Northern Iraq?
5. What is the largest country in the Middle East?
6. What waterway does a boat have to pass through to travel from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.
7. What is the narrow waterway called between the Gulf of Oman and The Gulf?
8.  What 2 bodies of water are on either side of India?
9. What ocean is south of India?
10. What two major rivers flow through Iraq?
11. What is the capital of Iraq?
12. What is the capital of Syria?
13. The city of Aleppo is in Northern or Southern Syria?

14. Why is Turkey referred to as the crossroads between The East and The West?