- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Tuesday 3 February 2015


Today in Class

In health, we looked at the effects of regular marijuana use on the brains of young people. The article we read, and the questionnaire the students answered, is posted to the right.

We continued looking at volume.We talked about how much soil would be needed to fill the 2010 Guatemalan sinkhole and we talked about how much coffee would be needed to break the world record for largest cup of coffee.
The sinkhole video is here
The coffee video is here

There is a math test on Friday, and a practice math test going home on Thursday.

Rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet are going very well. I'm amazed by the effort the kids are putting in to it and the progress they are making. We rehearsed again today, we try to find rehearsal time each day if we can manage it. Students who have line should know them by know. Students who don't have lines will be given their roles (lights, sound, etc...) this week.

Students are working away on their  speeches. They are due on Monday. You can take a look at you child's speech on OneNote.