- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Tuesday 13 January 2015


School Play Auditions next week
The play is called the Odyssey. It's a Greek myth involving heroes, Greek Gods, and monsters. All ages are invited to audition.

Work away on anything from today that you feel like finishing, it's your choice.

In class today:

Today was absolutely the greatest day of steady, good, focussed work I have ever had from any class. The amount of work they completed - every single kid, was outstanding - The conversations about science, math, poetry, history, that were going on all day were a joy to listen to. If you are the kind of parent who rewards their kid for doing great at school, tonight might be a trip to Dairy Queen night. Ask your child about it, ask them what they worked on, they should be proud to show off to you all they did.

Photos of some of the amazing work here.

The work that we all worked on is below.

Come to me and recite the lines you've memorized from the poem Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening.

Read the poem below.
Answer in your book:
1. What are some images you see when reading this poem?
2. What are they trying to preserve in the glass pots of clear jelly?
3. Why is this poem a good one for anyone living on a farm?
4. Why is this poem a good one for anyone living in a city?
5. Does this poem remind you of anything you've ever done in your life?
6. How is this poem similar to Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening?

Apple Jelly
Margaret Atwood

No sense in all this pickling, 
peeling & simmering
if sheer food is all
you want, you can buy it cheaper.

Why then do we burn our hours
& muscles on this stove,
cut our thumbs to get these tiny
glass pots of clear jelly?

Hoarded in the winter: the sun
on that noon, your awkward leap
down from the tree,
licked fingers, sweet pink juice,
is what we keep
the taste of the act,
the taste of this day. 

Choose a stanza, any one, from the right, posted under poetry, from any poem we have read.
Write it nice, neat, clear, and dark on a nice piece of paper.
Illustrate it and decorate it, we can put it up in the hall.


Take the Quiz on Edmodo - History - Slavery

Finish your map on the 13 colonies and on Upper and Lower Canada.

Draw, or depict, using any method you want, a map or illustration of the Underground Railroad.


Take the Quiz on Edmodo  - Science: Space Quiz 1

Complete the chart below chart. On a single piece of paper, on a large piece of paper, on a piece of chart paper, or on huge piece of paper large enough to take up an entire bulletin board in the hall.

Grade 6: Text Book Page 367 # 1, 2(a,b,c), 4 (a,b), 5(a), 8
Grade 7: Text Book Page 99 # 1, 3, 8, 6(a), 9, 5(a)

Optical illusion 3D hand  - Watch this video for directions.

I use Edmodo in the class.
Students write quizzes on Edmodo, and I keep track of some of their marks.
You can keep an eye on your child's progress and see their quizzes online.
Login is required for privacy reasons.
Your child knows their login.

WARNING: Edmodo weighs all assignments - major projects/minor quizzes the same, whereas for the report card, I weigh things much differently. The marks on Edmodo are often incomplete, as I use it on an ongoing basis, and am often updating and changing marks. Sometime I'll even post a mark as a zero as a reminder to me to talk to that student about something before calculating their actual mark. All I'm saying is - Don't take the final percentage on Edmodo as an indication of what will appear on the report card.