- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Friday 8 May 2015

Microsoft Word Today

Open Microsoft Word.
Change the Page Layout from Portrait to Landscape.
Zoom in and out to look at the page.
Change it back to portrait.
Go to the wikipedia. Find an article.
Copy a whole bunch of text, enough for a whole page.
Ctrl-V to paste it into word.
The font doesn't look right.
Ctrl-Z to undo.
Right click and this time - click the capital A to paste it. Notice the difference.
Use ctrl-A to highlight everything.
Click on page layout, make thepage two columns.
Ctrl-Z to undo. Make three columns. Ctrl-Z. Make four columns.
Hold ctrl and keep tapping Z until your page is totally blank.
Paste your text in again.
Give your text a title.
Highlight the title, underline it, make the font bigger.
Highlight the title. Hold Shift. Hold Ctrl. Press C.
Highlight some other text on the page. Hold Shift. Hols Ctrl. Press V. What happens?
Clear your page.
Type something. Anything.
ctrl-z to undo it.
Press ctrl-y. What does ctrl-y do?
Copy a picture from the web.
Paste it into word.
Click on the picture.
Crop the picture. Make it a bit smaller.
Click on picuture tools. Play around with Wrap Text. What is difference in the choices?

Copy some text from wikipedia into word. Paste it without the links and formatting and all that. Use the capital A.
Highlight one word. Make the font crazy. Change the colour, make it bigger. press shift-ctrl-c
Click away.
Highlight another word.
press and hold ctrl.
highlight 10 more seperate words.

press shift-ctrl-v.