- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Monday 23 March 2015


Welcome back all

The story The Adventures of the Blue Carbuncle was assigned reading over the break. Today we answered questions on the reading.

Any students who did not do the reading over the break or did not finish the questions today: Please finish the questions for homework tonight.

1. Short paragraph and complete sentence answers.

A. How did James Ryder, the hotel manager, frame John Horner, the plumber?

B. Why did Ryder put the gem in the goose?

C. Why did Ryder take the wrong goose?

D. Why did Sherlock Holmes let Ryder go free?

E. Do you agree with Holmes letting Ryder go free?





Students always have trouble remembering which is which (maybe it's because they all start with M).
This week, we're learning each one. At home. students can learn on their own as well.
Bottom line, by the end of the week, know which is which.