- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Friday 27 March 2015


1. The weekly salaries of six employees at McDonalds are $140, $220, $90, $180, $140, $200.  For these six salaries, find: (a) the mean (b) the median (c) the mode

2. Andy has grades of 84, 65, and 76 on three math tests.  What grade must he obtain on the next test to have an average of exactly 80 for the four tests?

3. Test scores for a class of 20 students are as follows:
93, 84, 97, 98, 100, 78, 86, 100, 85, 92, 72, 55, 91, 90, 75, 94, 83, 60, 81, 95

a) What is the range in scores?

b) mean

c) median

d) mode)

4. A tally was made of the number of times each color of crayon was used by a kindergarten class.  Which choice (mean, median, mode) should the teacher use to determine which color is the favorite color of her class? 

5.  The science test grades are posted.  The class did very well.  All students taking the test scored over 75.  Unfortunately, 4 students were absent for the test and the computer listed their scores as 0 until the test is taken.  What is the best choice (mean, median, mode) to show overall, how the class did on the test? Why?

6. The values of 11 houses on Washington Street are shown in the table.

a.  Find the mean value of these houses in dollars.

b.  Find the median value of these houses in dollars.

c. Create a graph to show this housing data. You'll have to figure out how the graph  should look. Good luck!