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What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Thursday 26 March 2015


There is a great amount of math below. All students worked well in math today, there is no specific homework, but students and parents are free to go through a couple questions below if the student feels they still need to brush up on mean, median, and mode.

Today in class
We continued reading and talking about the short story The New Kid by Morley Calaghan.
The grade 7's attended a guest speaker on mental health.
The grade 6's did EQAO prep.
We worked on cursive handwriting.
We did a ton of math (mean, median, mode)
Gym was badminton
In art, the class continued working on their pencil sketches of trees.


a) Which dog had the most puppies?
b) Which dog had the least?
c) On average, how many puppies are there in a litter?
d) Of mean, median, and mode, which one is not a good choice when thinking about how many puppies a dog typically has? 

a) Why are there so many zeros?
b) Why is mode a bad choice to show how many customers typically come in?
c) What day of the week gets the most customers?
d) What day of the week, beside Sunday and Monday, gets the least customers?
e) How many customers come in on a typical day?

a) Why is mean a bad choice to show a typical mark?
b) Why are median or mode better?
c) What do you think happened in weeks 9 and 10?

a) Which weeks did she earn the most?
b) Which weeks did she earn the least?
c) Why is mode a very bad choice when talking about how much money she makes in a typical week?
d) Why is mean not a great choice?
e) Why is median the best choice?

a) What do you think is happening here?
b) Is any choice (mean, median, or mode) any good for showing veggies eaten in a typical day?
c) Make/Draw a NEW graph, make it better. Calculate a new mean, median, and mode.