- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Tuesday 24 February 2015


**If Wednesday is a snow day, students are reminded to bring their skates on Thursday**

Romeo and Juliet
Parents are welcome to attend this Thursday at 2:30

A great unstructured work day today, all students just worked away at their own pace.

There's lots to do.

Students completed a map of the world indicating the different types of landscape (mountains, deserts, etc..)

Students worked away at their short stories, I'm pretty happy with the progress so far. There's a a lot of good ideas. The assignment was posted yesterday.

Students worked away on math. We've begun transformational geometry. Yesterday we worked on translations (slides), today we worked on reflections (flips).

The math sheet should be completed for homework if it was not done.
The map should be completed if it was not done.
Short stories are not due this week, students can work on them if they choose to.