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What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Wednesday 28 January 2015


How to do well on your science project:

There are two major things you should do if you want to get a good mark on your science project.

PART 1:  The Model
The model should be well done. 
Whether you are building out of clay, wood, papier maché, ice, Minecraft, or whatever, your model should be your best effort and something you are very proud to display in the hall.

Your model should be clean, well built, and sturdy.
It should be colourful and really demonstrate a great attention to detail

Your model should be accurate. The sizes, rings, craters, whatever, on your model should be an accurate depiction of the real thing. 

It should look very much like a good grade 6 level project.

Example. A Model of Jupiter.

Cutting a circle out of construction paper and gluing it on a black background is a level 1.

Cutting a circle out of bristol board, gluing it on a black background, and using paint to ad detail, is a level 2.

Researching the accurate size of Jupiter relative to the thickness of it's bands, and painting it accurately on a large styrofoam ball is a level 3.

Researching the accurate size of Jupiter relative to the thickness of it's bands, and the sizes of the 10 largest moons, and constructing a model out of good, solid material, and painting it accurately, including the rings, and hanging or attaching models of the ten moons, all painted their proper colour, with proper to scale sizes, with labels indicating what everything is, would be a level 4.

PART 2: Research
There is no required written portion to the assignment. You can choose to write a few paragraphs, or some point form facts, and display them along with the model if you want to.

But, you must do some research, and you must know about the model you built. I am going to ask you questions about the model. Nothing too impossible, but several basic questions, and you're going to need to answer them. You can look to a prepared sheet to answer them if necessary, but either way, you will need to demonstrate some knowledge about your model.

Don't hesitate to ask for help.

Due: March 2