- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Tuesday 9 December 2014


Bake Sale Next Tuesday to raise money for our art and science programs.

Christmas Concert next Tuesday at 12:00pm and at 7:00pm.

Pizza party this Friday to congratulate the class on their great work designing the new logo for the Markdale Rec Committee. (And to congratulate Sara on her winning logo).

Math: See the post below this one.

In Class this week

We're working on area of parallelograms and triangles. There will be a test next week.

We're reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. We are reading a version that I have shortened and cut down a bit, but the full version is posted to the right for anyone interested in reading ahead.

We are also still working on handwriting.

We are exploring the American Revolutionary War and how it contributed to making the borders of North America what they are today. Ask your child about:
- Paul Revere's midnight ride
- Who George Washington was
- What was the Boston Tea Party?
- Why were the American angry at British Rule?
- Who were Loyalists? Why did they leave? Where did they go?
- What was the Deceleration of Independence? Why was it a big deal? Who was left out of it? And what American holiday is celebrated these days because of it?
- How was the war of 1812 connected to the American Revolution?

Working on flight, different types of aircraft, parts of an aircraft, how an aircraft is controlled, hoe it flies. Ask your child:
-What are the four forces working on an airplane?
- What are the three movements a plane can do to alter it's course?
- What parts of the plane control each movement?

We have begun out major computer assignment with the programming language called Scratch. The students are to design a video game. Minimum 5 levels, plus a title screen. There should be tricky challenges on each level, plus some sort of consequence for getting the challenge wrong. Students can work on Scratch from a home computer.

Our big show is next Tuesday. We're putting together a dance/multimedia presentation to the song Shake It Off by Taylor Swift. It'll be a pretty good show.