- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Wednesday 15 October 2014


A great trip to Toronto, the kids' behaviour was outstanding. They were mature, engaged, enthusiastic, it was a real treat to show off Toronto to them. Merci to all parents who helped out and to everyone who supported the trip with such enthusiasm. I had a great day and am feeling very good about it all today.

Much discussion in class will happen over the next few days. At home, you can ask  your child:

- Have them bring home their passport, go through it with them. Ask them about it.
- Ask them about architecture. What did they like better, the old architecture of University of Toronto or the new architecture of the ROM?
- Were they nervous at any point in the trip?
- Is Toronto somewhere they'd like to spend more time in, or are they happy to visit Toronto as rarely as possible?
- Ask them about street performers they say. We saw a guitarist, a violinist, and a drummer with a dancer.
- Were they able to figure out roughly where they were headed throughout the day, or was it all a blur to them?
- What did they think of the art gallery? Interesting of boring?
- Did they find the subway - paying, riding, getting on and off - easy or complicated?