- marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca - Edmodo - Office365

What students should be working on ongoing at home:

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Field Trip News!!!

Outdoor Ed Center Dates

The grade 6 outdoor ed center dates this year are December 3, 4, 5.
The parents meeting for this trip will be at parent teacher night, Oct 1, 5-7pm.

The grade 7's will have a trip as well, they're dates are in the spring.

More on all this in coming weeks.

Toronto Art Gallery

My class will be going on a field trip to the Art Gallery of Ontario, in Toronto.
The date is Tuesday, October 14, the first day back after Thanksgiving.

This trip will give the students an opportunity to tour the art gallery. The gallery houses some of the best known woks by Canadian painters such as the Group of Seven, Tom Thomson, and Emily Carr. The gallery visit will be a jumping off point for our year long study and discussion about Canadian art.

Another portion of the trip will involve a walking tour of Toronto, as part of our study of design and function. We will be looking at different architecture, and different ways buildings are designed for different uses.

The school bus will leave at 8:00AM and take us to Yorkdale Mall.
We will be taking the subway the rest of the way.
The bus will return to Beavercrest around 5:30PM.

Students will have an hour or so of lunch and supervised free time at the Eaton's Center in Toronto.

The cost right now is $35.00, but I am very concerned with keeping the cost as low as possible. We are planning a fundraiser on October 1. Once the proceeds from the fundraiser are in, I will be able to tell you the final cost.

Parents are welcome to come along, and extra supervision is needed. Note: I cannot get parents into the Art Gallery for free. Any volunteers would have to pay the $15.00 admission (sorry, it's not really the best way to thank you for volunteering).

Official permission forms will go home after October 1, once we know the final cost.

email anytime: marty_elkins@bwdsb.on.ca