It's on!!!
Today we launched our political mock federal election!
All the students chose their political party based on what the party stands for. We looked at health care, education, taxes, environment, and prisons.
The parties then chose a leader. The leader formed committees, and each committee got to work.
The committees are:
- Speech Writing
- Debate Prep
- Sign Advertising
- Video Advertising
The committees need to get their leader ready to campaign, present the party ideas, and debate. The leaders will give their speeches, show their videos, and debate in front of the grade 5/6 class across the hall.
The grade 5/6 students will vote for Prime Minister!
Enthusiasm is very high here in class, the kids are ultra-motivated. Ask your child about it. Ask:
- What party did they join
- Why?
- What does their party stand for?
- What committee are they on? How are they contributing to the party?
- How does your child feel about their leader? Was the process to choose the leader fair? Is the leader doing a good job?